How Does a Sports Massage Help Improve Sporting Performance?

In sports, optimum performance is something every athlete seeks whether they are a professional or an amateur. Achieving your best involves much more than just simply training hard and getting fitter, however. One strategy that is often overlooked is how sports massages can support other forms of physiotherapy, such as musculoskeletal rehabilitation, for example. This specialised form of physiotherapy allows masseurs to offer several benefits to sportsmen and women throughout Australia. If you want to find out how physio sessions that make use of massage can contribute to improved sporting performance in multiple ways, read on.

Improved Suppleness

To begin with, a key advantage of sports massage lies in its ability to enhance flexibility. After all, it is not just gymnasts who need to maintain an excellent range of motion to perform at their peak. The same applies to rugby players, divers, tennis players, cricketers and many more besides. Sports massage helps to stimulate blood flow, thereby allowing nutrients to reach the muscles more efficiently. The manual manipulation of muscles and their associated connective tissues helps to elongate them, enhancing the suppleness of adults, in particular. As a result, there will be less risk of straining or pulling a muscle when playing a sport.

Quicker Recovery Times

A sports massage can speed up recovery as many pro-level sportspeople will know already. Amateurs can also benefit from massage physiotherapy in between tournaments or games. After all, intensive physical activity causes the build-up of lactic acid and other metabolic waste in the muscles. What a sports masseur does is to help flush these toxins out of the system by increasing blood flow to the most worked muscles. Massages can also help to improve lymphatic circulation. Either way, you tend to see faster recovery times after intense workouts or competitions when massage is part of the training regime.

Injury Prevention

Regular physio sessions can help identify potential trouble spots and address these areas before they develop into more serious injuries. In particular, sports massages are designed to stimulate the body's natural lubricants, such as synovial fluid, to facilitate smoother muscle and joint movement, reducing the chance of experiencing strains or sprains. Even better, the relaxation effect of certain massage techniques can alleviate stress and tension, phenomena that are sometimes associated with sporting injuries. After all, sports massages are noted for their contribution to enhanced focus and mental preparation. Quicker decision-making can help you to overcome opponents and avoid situations where an injury could be more likely.

For more information, contact a physiotherapy professional near you.
